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From raw materials to the finished product, each of these plates are fully sourced and manufactured in the USA. Offering a 12-sided anti-roll shape and two patented diametrically opposed handle openings for easy loading, pickup and storage. The handle contour has been ergonomically designed and textured for carrying.

Weights: 2.5 lb, 5 lb, 10 lb, 25 lb, 35 lb, 45 lb

Life Fitness Soft Multi-Plyo Boxes inspire exercisers to reach new goals with 40cm, 50cm and 56cm multi-plyo box heights. Beginners up to advanced exercisers benefit from these Life Fitness plyo boxes because they’re an excellent way to perform box jumps, box squats, squat lunges, incline and decline pushups without any hard edges or intimidating heights.

Boasting a high-quality urethane construction and a premium look and feel, Hammer Strength 4-Sided Urethane Dumbbells are everything you need in a dumbbell.

Featuring an anti-roll design, ultra-durable chemically bonded UV resistant urethane, medium knurled chrome handles and superior protection against wear and tear; these dumbbells are long lasting and will serve your exercisers for years to come.

Weight Range: 5 – 150LB


•    5 – 50LB
•    7.5 – 27.5LB
•    55 – 75LB
•    80 – 100LB
•    105 – 125LB
•    130 – 150LB

*Also available for individual purchase.

The Insignia Series Abdominal Advanced has an innovative design that provides numerous core exercises and variations, resulting in the most comprehensive abdominal workout of any selectorized machine.

Key Features:

  1. Unique workarm design allows for easy entry / exit
  2. Nine workarm adjustments accommodate a variety of user arm lengths and hip flexibility
  3. Front foot supports accommodate a variety of user leg lengths
  4. Rear foot supports provide user foot position / stance variability and exercise progression




An elliptical cross-trainer that’s streamlined for ease-of-use by both exercise rookies and workout regulars. The console isn’t designed to be complex, which means it’s inviting for every user and it’s a good fit for every fitness facility. The Activate Series elliptical cross-trainer provides a low-impact cardio workout and a smooth, comfortable, natural-feeling motion elliptical path. The intuitive exerciser experience is ideal for facilities ranging from hospitality to health clubs. An optional attachable TV adds a level of appealing entertainment



A streamlined bike that’s inviting for both workout regulars and exercise rookies. The console is designed for ease of use, which means it’s intuitive for any exerciser and a good fit for any fitness facility. Racing handlebars, a comfortable adjustable seat, and easy-adjust pedal straps make the ride inviting, no matter how long the workout lasts. The self-powered bike is sleek and durable and an asset to any facility. It features an optional attachable TV, which adds a level of appealing entertainment. The Activate Series upright bike also provides facilities with access to valuable user data through Halo.Fitness.


The Insignia Arc Leg Press is a unique new movement that provides greater hip range of motion and more complete training of the glutes by pressing along a natural arcing path of motion.

Key Features:

  1. Unique movement provides greater hip range of motion and more complete training of the glutes by pressing along a natural arcing path of motion
  2. Adjustable seat carriage is incredibly easy to use and allows users to effortlessly adjust from the seated position into and out of start position
  3. Depth-assist handle allows users to set their squat depth to a deeper position

Showing 1–15 of 359 results